Dog Articles

Dog Articles

Our extensive Pro Club article library features topics important to dog breeders and enthusiasts alike. This includes rich information in subjects ranging from dog nutrition to breed-specific health and hereditary concerns, as well as best practices in breeding, kennel management, conditioning, and more.


  • Trainers of retrievers often lament there is not enough time to train and condition dogs, yet both are needed to prepare dogs for highly competitive field trial stakes. A combined approach enhances performance and also prevents injury.
  • Breeding the next generation of champions involves preparing for the unexpected. Although nothing is guaranteed with breeding and delivering puppies, these guidelines from reproduction specialists known as theriogenologists...
  • Bird dog winter camp in the Wild West of Prewitt, New Mexico, is a spiritual coming together, where a string of red dogs, known as Hungarian Vizslas, and their pro trainer and handler escape to fine-tune their pointing and retrieving skills.
  • Preparing a bitch nutritionally to whelp a litter of puppies begins even before she is bred. Veterinary nutritionists and reproduction specialists agree that body condition -- a body fitness report card -- has an impact on reproductive success.
  • It’s 6 a.m. on a Saturday. A slight breeze carries the hum of generators, while the aroma of bacon frying in a motor home rises into the air.

  • Learn professional dog show tips from longtime all-breed handler Sue Vroom, including training, conditioning and showing suggestions in and outside of the ring.
  • Honing a picture-perfect steady to wing and shot, “Dually” (Rock River’s You Can’T Handle This) and backing brace mate, “Jax” (FC Dezasterous Jax The Ripper), have come by their talents humbly.