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If you’ve given us an email address with your registration, we can send you your information directly. Check your email for a link and membership number.

PLEASE NOTE: You must be able to access the email address you enter below within one hour as the link to reset password will only be good for one hour.

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Not a Member?

If you are not a member in Purina Pro Club and you personally care for five or more
dogs, five or more cats and/or breed one litter per year, then you are eligible to join.
Click below and fill out the enrollment form. It’s free and easy to sign up!

Please note that Purina Pro Club is a membership program for individual breeder/enthusiasts, not institutional organizations,
such as rescue groups, humane societies or animal shelters. United States residents only. Terms and conditions for
Purina Pro Club allow for only one name per membership and only one membership per household.